Wheelchair Spaces: Yes - spaces are available for wheelchair users and their companions - please contact the Box Office on 0333 320 2834
Disabled Toilets: There is an accessible toilet located to the left of the box office entrance as you enter the theatre
Infrared System: An FM assisted listening system is available for people with hearing impairments. Please request a handset from the Box Office when booking
Guide Dogs: Yes – they can be looked after during the performance if required
Auditorium Access:
Weather Policy
Every theatre performance is unique, but this is especially the case at the Open Air Theatre where both stage and entire auditorium are uncovered.
Each visit can be distinctly different as the weather and light spontaneously interact with the play. Warm or cool, clear or overcast, the point at which dusk turns to night, being outdoors adds a thrilling contribution to our work and is an integral part of your experience here. Some of our audience’s favourite memories have been of the sun breaking through the clouds during the show whilst some of the most electric performances happen in the wake of rainfall.
It’s best to come prepared for all types of weather: bringing your own shade in the afternoon is particularly important as is a jumper for the end of evening performances. So sun hats, sun cream, sunglasses, raincoats and rain hats should all be considered. Although the vast majority of performances are completed each year, as the auditorium and stage are completely uncovered, we may have to stop and re-start the show.
On rare occasions, it will not be possible for us to complete the performance, but we will never cancel a performance before the advertised start time. This is because you would be amazed how often it can rain all day and then clear up just in time for the action to start and indeed, how localised bad weather can be. Also we really don’t want to disappoint anyone – audiences or our actors (who are always keen to perform, if at all possible).
Please note that films and one-off live music and comedy shows are never cancelled because of the weather.
Tickets are non-refundable in the event of cancellation because of the weather but may be exchanged in accordance with the policy set out in section 5 of the Terms and Conditions www.openairtheatre.com/terms
AUDIO DESCRIPTION: Yes, on specific dates – please check https://openairtheatre.com/accessibility for more information
CAPTIONED PERFORMANCES: Yes, BSL Performances on specific dates – please check https://openairtheatre.com/accessibility for more information.
FM ASSISTED LISTENING: Yes – please request a handset from the Box Office when booking