At LOVEtheatre we really do LOVE theatre and we are missing our fix of wonderful live entertainment so, so much! The weather is cold and the sun goes down early so in this digital age, it is wonderful that we can get our theatre therapy another way.
While we’re not able to go out and enjoy the magic of theatre in person, it turns out that plays and musicals can come to us.
We have compiled a list of some great options from Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, NOWtv & BBCiPlayer.
The mentioned shows are at the top of our list but there are, of course, many others to choose from.
And there’s more! So much more! Check out the list of online streaming options below – there’s so much to choose from!
Sian Clifford (Fleabag) and Nikesh Patel (Artemis Fowl) are to star in the global online premiere of Good Grief, a romantic comedy about grief, by Lorien Haynes, directed by Natalie Abrahami . We’re very excited about this one – don’t miss out! Get your tickets here.
YouTube channel ‘The Shows Must Go On’ features showtunes, backstage access and on occasion, full performances for limited times. Stream for free here.
Our wonderful Globe Theatre have released a whole host of free content. Shows will be available for 2 weeks so make sure you don’t miss them! Check it all out here.
Always wishing the Broadway shows will make their way over here? Wish no more. Broadway HD has a subscription service that you can trial for free. Find out more here.
The full show of Ghost Quartet is available here.
If opera and ballet are your thing, Marque TV is doing a free trial for 14 days! Try it out here.
Plus the wonderful Royal Opera House has launched a series called #OurHouseToYourHouse which has some incredible performances to enjoy. All stored on their YouTube page here.
If you just want your fix of music then don’t forget that Magic at the Musicals Radio is always there for you and you can listen live here or by using your smart speaker. There are also some great musicals on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and Amazon Music playlists. Just search ‘musicals’ and the theatre world is your oyster.
Enjoy Everyone! It’s never been so easy to catch up on theatre whilst STAYING HOME.