The smash hit comedy PRIVATE LIVES is coming to the West End at the Ambassador Theatre
Nigel Havers and Patricia Hodge star in a sparkling new production of Noel Coward’s immortal comedy of bad manners in the parts originally played by Coward himself and Gertrude Lawrence in the play’s 1930 premiere.
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What is Private Lives about?
Ex-spouses Elyot and Amanda are honeymooning with their new partners in the South of France only to find themselves, to their horror, in adjacent hotel rooms. As their passion rekindles, they decide to elope to Amanda’s flat in Paris only to resume the vicious slanging match that drove them apart in the first place.
Built to be an intimate space for smaller-scale shows in 1913, the Ambassadors Theatre is one of the smallest West End theatres with a maximum capacity of 444. Home to producer Sonia Friedman for many years, the theatre is also situated opposite the famous restaurant The Ivy.
Where is Private Lives playing?
Private Lives is playing at the Ambassadors Theatre
How long is Private Lives and when does it finish?
The Private Lives running time is 2hrs (incl. interval)
What is the age guidance for Private Lives?
The age guidance for Private Lives is 8+
Who wrote Private Lives?
Private Lives is written by Noël Coward.
Groups & Schools
Groups of 8+: Price band A reduced to £55, price band B reduced to £39.50
Valid Monday-Thursday evenings & Thursday matinees
EXCLUSIONS APPLY Rates subject to change and availability
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